If you’ve ever tried getting groceries with a baby or toddler in tow you know: Shopping ain’t easy. Aside from the fact that the little ones almost always save their most epic meltdowns for the supermarket (clean up in aisle four?!), there’s the issue of the shopping cart. We swear whoever invented the shopping cart didn’t have kids. Sure, there’s the front seat area, but what if your baby is too young to sit up? You pretty much have to put the carseat in the cart. But then where on earth are you supposed to put your groceries??
It’s a problem Binxy Baby® founder Lisa Pinnell found herself faced with while shopping for a week’s worth of groceries with her toddler and newborn. She had tried everything: A sling, a stroller, even two carts. She tried putting the entire infant car seat down in the grocery cart but had to cut her trip short when she couldn’t find the baby under the piles of bread and coffee.

Wondering how other moms manage, she started researching and, much to her dismay, stumbled upon a startling statistic: Falls from shopping carts are among the leading causes of head injuries to young children. About 24,000 kids a year are treated in hospital emergency rooms because of shopping cart-related injuries. She also learned that placing an infant car seat on top of a shopping cart is especially dangerous since they tend to fall face first when bumped.
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Resolving to solve an age old dilemma, Lisa set to work creating a solution. The result? The Binxy Baby® Shopping Cart Hammock™. Designed to keep little ones safe and secure while leaving plenty of room for groceries, the Binxy Baby clips onto the top of most shopping carts so it won’t take up the entire cart. Babies can lay directly in the hammock, or your can safely rest the carseat in it. Have multiple little ones? No problem! Just clip another Binxy Baby on your cart. This product is also perfectly portable–it rolls up to fit in your purse, reusable shopping bags or diaper bag when you’re finished shopping. We just leave ours in our car with the shopping bags so it’s always on hand.
And it’s not just convenient. The Binxy Baby meets or exceeds all applicable safety standards. So you can be confident your little ones are safe and secure while you go about your business.
Our Take
We absolutely love this product. After a few unproductive and frustrating shopping trips in which either our babies were buried in groceries, or our food ended up all over the supermarket floor after we tried to cram it in the little shelf underneath, we were desperate for a solution just like Lisa. Lucky for us, it already exists!