Browsing Category:Products We Love

Products We Love

The Best Eco-Friendly Products of 2019

If there’s one thing becoming moms has taught us, it’s that raising little ones can involve a lotttt of waste. From diapers to food containers and pouches, there are just so many single use products designed for convenience that unfortunately, also wreak havoc on the environment. Just what we moms needed–more guilt. And as Brenda quickly learned, the more...
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Products We Love

Ready to Start Potty Training? You Need This Potty

If you’ve ever tried potty training a toddler, you know it can be quite messy... literally. I can't even count the amount of times I've cleaned pee and poop off the floor and knelt on the dirty grounds of public restrooms (I'm nine months preggo, give me a break) over the past month. In the words of my two-year-old...
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Products We Love

Our Holiday Must-Have Salad Dressing? Drew’s Organics

Yes, we’re hangry…and yes, we’re vegetarians. With these two fun facts in mind, can you even imagine how many people ask us what we eat during the holidays? Hmm, the million dollar question: What do hangry vegetarians eat when they don’t eat turkey or ham? HELLOOO PEOPLE, the holidays are allll about the sides (and the leftovers, of course). You...
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