If you’ve ever tried potty training a toddler, you know it can be quite messy… literally. I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve cleaned pee and poop off the floor and knelt on the dirty grounds of public restrooms (I’m nine months preggo, give me a break) over the past month. In the words of my two-year-old daughter, Joelle, “EW, GROSS!” is all I can say about that.
Teaching tiny humans to stop exploring the great big world around them to park their butts on a toilet is as unnatural for them as it is frustrating for you-especially when your little one is as active as Joelle.
There’s no real rule book for potty training since every toddler handles it differently. But there are a few things you can do to make it easier on yourself. The first is to make sure your little one is developmentally ready for the task. While many children show signs of being ready for potty training between the ages of 18 months and two years, according to the Mayo Clinic, however, others may be three before they’re ready. So how do you know if your little tot is up to the challenge? The Mayo Clinic suggests asking yourself these questions:
- Can your child walk to and sit on a toilet?
- Can your child pull down his or her pants and pull them up again?
- Can your child stay dry for up to two hours?
- Can your child understand and follow basic directions?
- Can your child communicate when he or she needs to go?
- Does your child seem interested in using the toilet?
If you’ve answered “yes” to most of these questions, congratulations, you’re about to become a lean, mean, potty training machine.
But before you can start, you’ll need the proper equipment. Google “potty” and you will be faced with thousands of options claiming to be the miracle you and your little one need to get the job done. Let us save you the trouble: Buy the Contours Bravo 3-in-1 Potty to help make the transition easy for your little one.
Here’s why we love the Contours Bravo 3-in-1 Potty:
1. It’s Safe
The Contours Bravo Potty is made from durable plastic, and has a slip-resistant grip that keeps your child steady when seated.
2. Clean Up is a Breeze
We weren’t kidding when we said potty training can be messy. But the Contours minimizes the aftermath. It has a removable waste cup, which makes for easy clean up, and the potty seat is very easy to clean. Plus, it’s got a soft splashguard that’s large enough to prevent stray sprays for boys but easy to fold away for girls.
3. It’s Universal
The potty comes with a toilet trainer that is easily removed and fits most round and elongated toilets. So if you have to continue your potty training on the go (God bless you), you can bring it along with you to keep things moving.
4. It Grows with Your Child
Perhaps our favorite feature of the Contours is that it can be converted into a potty chair and a step stool, which means it’s not just another piece of equipment your child uses for just a few months and then you find yourself listing it on eBay or tossing it.
In addition, we love that this potty is affordable. You won’t feel like you’re breaking the bank just to teach your child how to use the bathroom. So no money flushing down the toilet (see what we did there?))
Ready to get your Contours Bravo potty? Visit http://www.contoursbaby.com/ to buy yours today!
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