Browsing Tag:candy

Products We Love

5 Reasons Wholesome is Our Favorite Candy Brand

OK guys, we have a confession: We are obsessed with candy. Like really, really obsessed. Yes, we work hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle, working out regularly and eating a healthy, plant-based diet. But if we're being completely honest, even we can't exist solely on veggies and quinoa. And if there's one thing we know, it's that when we...
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Products We Love

The Best Organic Candy: Wholesome™

You know how some people have a secret sweets drawer in their desk? Yeahhhh... we've got entire sweet pantries. The sweet tooth struggle is that REAL.But because we're both committed to living healthy and steering clear of nasty ingredients that wreak havoc on our bodies and on the environment, we are also pretty choosy about what treats make their...
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Two-Ton Chocolate Pizza

Warning: This chocolate pizza is definitely not for the faint of heart... or stomach.And if you’re looking for a healthy dessert recipe, it’s most definitely not for you, either (we’ve got plenty of those in our Recipe section!).This ridiculous dessert was inspired by my husband, who is sweet enough not to tell me that he’s a little tired of...
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