Browsing Tag:fruit


10 More Nutritionist-Approved After-School Snacks

OK, moms, it’s time for the next installment of our healthy after-school snacks series. We recently shared 6 Healthy Snacks Kids (& Moms!) Will Love. Your response was so positive that once again, we’re dishing on some of our favorite noshes. They’re tasty. They’re easy to make. And they’re nutritionist-approved. Which means they’re guaranteed to keep your kiddies both healthy...
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Products We Love

Lunch Box Must-Have: perfectlyfree® Fruit Bites

You guys! We have some seriously good news: We finally found a healthy snack that doesn’t require bribery to get the kids to eat it. Seriously... we’ve found the ultimate unicorn of the snack world. It's delicious, so the kids will love it. But it's also healthy and insanely convenient, which means moms will love it, too. And it’s...
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No Bake Blackberry Cheesecake Cups

How do you make a no-bake dessert, you ask? You use dates and cashews, of course! The date-and-cashew-combo is probably the best kept secret in the world of baking. That's because, when blended together, these two simple foods create a delicious and really simple foundation for a whole range of snacks and desserts - without any added sugars. In...
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Raspberry Peach “Pizza”

We have a confession to make: We make these for ourselves... like all the time. But when we do, we call them Ricotta Rice Cakes with Seasonal Fruit & Honey Drizzle.  We've even been known to add a sprig of mint for visual appeal. Because we’re fancy like that. But let's be honest: Kids don't care about fancy, restaurant-worthy recipe...
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Fresh Fruit & Yogurt Tartlets

Shhh... don’t tell the kids, but these sweet treats are actually quite healthy! With a sweet, chewy crust made of just dates and cashews, an “icing” layer of Greek yogurt (you can use any flavor you like) and shredded coconut, and a topping of whatever fresh fruit you’ve got on hand (we used nectarines, but berries, kiwi and even pineapple...
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11 Awesome Smoothie Bowls Under 400 Calories

We love smoothie bowls. Like LOVE them. Not only are they a super simple way to load up on the nutrition our bodies need, there are endless flavor possibilities, which means whether you are a chocolate junkie or a fruit fan, there is an option for you.Below, we dish out 11 of our favorite smoothie bowl recipes. These are...
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Pregnancy Diet: 10 Foods I Meal Prep Every Sunday

I’m eight months pregnant. Which means I would consider eating my own foot if it was dipped in chocolate and rolled in rainbow sprinkles. But I’ve had the benefit(/misfortune) of going to grad school for Nutrition so I’m all too aware of how unnecessary that would be.And while I’ve certainly had my fair share of cheese fries and ice...
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