Admittedly, this Cherry Garcia Raw Cookie Dough isn’t our prettiest recipe. But trust us when we say that what it lacks in appearances, it makes up for in flavor.
This edible cookie dough recipe came about after a few too many games of Russian roulette with salmonella. There’s just something ridiculously satisfying about spooning soft, sweet dough right from the mixing bowl into our mouths that makes us throw caution to the wind.. (It is our expert opinion that if your cookie dough actually makes it to the table cooked, you’re either a saint or a serial killer).
Guilt-Free Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies >

And because we knew there was no way we’d give up our habit, we decided to put our heads together and come up with an egg-free, lower sugar version of the real deal. And because we love chocolate and cherries nearly as much as we love avocados, we decided to put a fun little flavor spin on our edible cookie dough using these ingredients.
This Cherry Garcia Raw Cookie Dough recipe requires just four simple ingredients. Seriously… that’s it. And it’s so easy to make, all that stands between you and a delicious dough you can scoop from pan to pie hole is a simple press of the food processor button.
Two-Ton Chocolate Pizza >
So if you’re anything like us, and you can’t trust yourself around cookie dough, go ahead and unleash the cookie dough beast on this easy recipe.
- 25 California dates (pitted)
- 2 cups raw cashew
- 1 cup dried cherries
- 1 cup mini chocolate chips
1. Soak cashews in water overnight. Drain before beginning recipe.
2. Add cashews and dates to a food processor and blend until mixture achieves a dough-like consistency.
3. Scoop cookie dough into a mixing bowl then stir in dried cherries and chocolate chips.
4. Spread dough across a glass baking dish and place in fridge to set for at least an hour. (The longer you let it sit, the less sticky and more moldable it becomes).