We call it “nice cream” because although it might taste as good as conventional ice cream, it leaves out all the nasty ingredients. Plus, it goes extra light on fat, added sugars and excess calories. And this version, which features a tasty trio of classic flavors, is so delicious, we’re pretty sure your kiddies will be extra nice after enjoying a big bowl of it!
Banana Nice Cream:
- 2 frozen bananas (be sure to remove the peels prior to freezing)
- 2 tsp. vanilla extract
- 2 – 4 Tbsp. milk of choice (start with 2; if mixture gets stuck in processor, add more)
Strawberry Nice Cream:
- 1/2 frozen banana
- 1 cup strawberries, frozen
- 2 – 4 Tbsp. milk of choice (start with 2; if mixture gets stuck in processor, add more)
- 2 tsp. sweetener of choice (honey, agave nectar, maple syrup), optional
Chocolate Nice Cream:
- 2 frozen bananas, peeled
- 2 – 4 Tbsp. cocoa powder (taste test this – the richer, more chocolate-y flavor you prefer, the more you should add)
- 1 Tbsp. nut butter of choice
- 2 – 4 Tbsp. milk of choice (start with 2; if mixture gets stuck in processor, add more)
1. Purée all ingredients for each flavor separately, scooping each flavor into a freezer-friendly glass container as they are blended.
2. Freeze for at least an hour.
3. Top with favorite toppings and serve.