Browsing Category:Pregnancy

Momming, Pregnancy

The One Who Came Before

I never held you in my armsBut I will carry you forever.I never saw your faceBut I see you everywhere.I never heard you cry—I cried enough for both of us.You never made it earthsideBut you are very much alive. You are the one who came before And you made me this mother. I’ll savor it all, every second with your siblings;If...
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Pregnancy Diet: 3 Nutrients You Need More Of & How to Get Them

Alcohol, raw fish, unpasteurized cheeses... There’s a lot of focus on all the things that shouldn’t be a part of your pregnancy diet. But there are a number of nutrients that become increasingly important when you're expecting, too. And while many prenatal vitamins include these vitamins and minerals, it’s important that you try to get them through natural food...
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10 Things to Steal from the Hospital After Giving Birth

Disclaimer: We don't advocate stealing of any kind. It's wrong and immoral, and anyone who commits such a heinous act should be punished....Unless, of course,  your body has just been through total war, you're about to be sent home with a teeny tiny human whose entire existence depends solely on you, and you're going to be paying for the...
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Packing Your Bag for the Hospital? What You Need to Bring

If chronic overpacking was a real condition, we’d be the poster children. Without fail, every vacation starts with us pulling hair dryers and shoes out of our checked bags at the airport and shoving them into our purses, carry-ones and laptop bags to meet the weight maximums.So as you can imagine, packing for the hospital presented some challenges for...
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11 Things No One Tells You About Being Pregnant

Pregnant? There are so many thrilling milestones throughout the pregnancy journey. There's the initial thrill of finding out you're expecting, then the joy of hearing the baby's heartbeat for the first time, the excitement of getting that first ultrasound and, for those who choose to find out, the overwhelming joy of finding out the baby's gender.But tucked between all...
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12 Awesome Gifts to Get Your Pregnant BFF

Let me tell you the biggest lesson I learned being pregnant: It isn’t as adorable and glamorous as the movies make it seem. Before I got pregnant, I lived in blissful ignorance. There’s sickness and fatigue, exhaustion and soreness, bloating and fluid retention. And that’s just the physical stuff. Tack onto that the emotional baggage that comes with it...
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10 Things You Should Never Say to a Pregnant Woman

Pregnancy isn’t easy. On top of the exhaustion and various and sometimes bizarre physical ailments (think back pain, boob pain—and don’t get me started on crotch lightning), there are also all kinds of weird hormonal things going on. Which means if you say the wrong thing to an expecting woman, you can expect to have your head bitten off—or...
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